Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Sunday - My near death experience

Hi Everyone

As today is the day we celebrate Jesus' resurrection I thought it might be interesting for you to read about my first experience with God.

I was 15 years old and I had glandular fever. I had taken weeks and weeks off school and just lay in bed feeling terrible. To top it all off the glandular fever was making my asthma worse. I would take my asthma sprays and they would only provide the smallest possible relief.

Anyway one day I was especially sick. I thought I was going to die. My mother went to work but called my aunt to check on me. I couldn't walk and was coughing up blood.

My aunt took me to the hospital where they took me into one of the urgent emergency rooms immediately. They put me on an oxygen mask and they were just putting in a drip when I felt the room go starry, then grey, then black.

I went down a white tunnel which was full of love and brightness. The further up the tunnel I went, the brighter the white light was.

After some distance I heard the most beautiful voice. It said ''It is not your time to die. You must go back. There is something you must do."

I opened my eyes. I was in hospital attached to a drip and an oxygen mask. I was admitted to hospital for several weeks.

I didn't tell anyone of my spiritual experience until much, much later - when I was in my twenties. But I pondered it in my heart and it is one of the reasons I sought out Jesus and the church.

I still don't know what the thing is that I must do - I must wait patiently for an answer.

This memory comforts me and reminds me (like in Psalm 23) - "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are with me."

God Bless you all



  1. What a story.

    I'm so glad you made it, able to tell others how you did.

    Happy Resurrection Day! lol.

  2. Glad you liked the story.

    Happy Resurrection Day to you too!


  3. Wow Amber, what an experience. Not many people get to come back and share. Well, in time you will know what God wanted you to continue here for.
    Blessings to you dear one on this Easter Day, which is almost over for you.

  4. Thanks Just Be Real.

    Blessing to you too at Easter.

    God Bless


  5. How wonderful that you can personally attest to what happens, WHO is with us, when we die. What a great gift!

    Hope this day is good for you.


  6. Thanks Liza

    I had a good day.

    God Bless


  7. This made me think of one quote by Andy Warhol: "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself".
    If there is something that you are meant to do in your life, you cannot expect it to find you while you sit and do nothing about it. You need to find it yourself. Waiting patiently for it to come might be a waste of some hidden greatness in you. You need to seek it out yourself. :)
